WELCOME TO WILLITS picked up by IFC Films by che broadnax

Brock (Bill Sage) comforts Peggy (Sabina Gadecki)

Brock (Bill Sage) comforts Peggy (Sabina Gadecki)

IFC Midnight has acquired U.S. distribution rights to Welcome to Willits, the feature directorial debut of Trevor Ryan. The horror-comedy starring Bill Sage, Dolph Lundgren, Rory Culkin and Chris Zylka is slated to open in theaters and digital platforms September 22.

Full story at: http://deadline.com/2017/07/welcome-to-willits-ifc-midnight-release-date-dolph-lundren-1202126790/

NPR Features TROUBLED CELLS on "Songs We Love" by che broadnax

Frame Grab from TROUBLED CELLS music video

Frame Grab from TROUBLED CELLS music video

At first, the concluding song on SubRosa's For This We Fought The Battle of Ages feels like the haunting denouement to an arc largely inspired by Yevgeny Zamyatin's 1921 dystopian novel We. When the album was released this past August, "Troubled Cells" was revealed not only as a departure from the primary source material but as a bold, extremely personal statement by singer/songwriter/guitarist Rebecca Vernon and the Salt Lake City doom-metal band.

Full story at:  http://www.npr.org/2016/11/07/500671246/subrosa-condemns-mormon-churchs-lgbtq-policy-in-powerful-video


SubRosa's TROUBLED CELLS Rebels Against Stigma Facing LGBTQIA+ Teens by che broadnax

SubRosa has joined teams with Kinetic Pictures, an LA-based film company to create a short film-style production music video to the single of Troubled Cells.  This is a charity outreach piece addressing escalating youth suicide rate in universal application, specifically among LGBTQ youth, and even more specifically among Mormon LGBTQ youth. SubRosa and the filmmakers believe there is a need to speak out and make a stand for these youth. As such, every member of the film crew has traveled at their own expense, volunteered countless hours, and personally donated financial assistance to this project.

Full story at: https://noisey.vice.com/en_us/article/bnm9p3/subrosa-interview-mormon-lgbtqi

Che Broadnax, Director of Photography, TROUBLED CELLS

Che Broadnax, Director of Photography, TROUBLED CELLS

WELCOME TO WILLITS wraps principle photography by che broadnax

Ungraded still from Welcome to Willits (2016)

Ungraded still from Welcome to Willits (2016)

In December of 2015, I got a call from director Trevor Ryan, a friend of mine since childhood.  His debut feature, WELCOME TO WILLITS was finally moving into production, and he wanted me behind the camera.  So in a few weeks I landed in Shreveport, LA to embark on this adventure with Trevor and our mutual longtime co-conspirator Associate Producer Jonah Fuller.  We had said we were going to make movies together when we grew up, so, I guess this means we've finally all grown up.

A fabulous cast and crew took us through some long, surprisingly cold nights.  Thanks for everything, gang!

NEIGHBORS premiere... by che broadnax

Ungraded still from Neighbors (Short, 2014)

NEIGHBORS, a film I had the opportunity to shoot the bulk of for Brandon Boudreaux will be premiering September 30, 2014 at 730p at Anthology Film Archives.